$15 Trial Week | Sign Up

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This is an important document which does affect your legal rights and obligations.

READ IT Carefully.

Do not accept this document unless you are satisfied that you fully understand it. If you have any questions, please ask one of our staff to assist you.



I acknowledge that in my involvement in classes and activities at The Hybrid Collective t/a Hybrid Training Centre (HTC), I will engage in activities that involve physical exertion and a degree of physical risk. I am informed and I acknowledge that there is an inherent level of risk involving unpredictable and unforeseeable risks of harm which may include and is not limited to:

  • dislocations
  • strains and sprains
  • bruises, cuts and bleeding (particularly blood noses)
  • broken bones and fractures
  • eye issues due to trauma and impact
  • heart attack
  • rhabdomyolysis
  • skin infections including ring worm and staphylococcus
  • strokes
  • chipped and broken teeth
  • death

I willingly assume the risk of participating in classes and activities at HTC.

I have provided HTC with all relevant and necessary information that relates to my physical health and capacity to participate. I understand that if HTC was not provided with all relevant and necessary information about my health and capacity it would not be able to fully appreciate the risk of harm or injury to me in providing their services and any associated facilities and equipment.
I willingly provide the following waiver: I do not hold HTC or its employees or agents legally responsible for injuries I suffer, however caused, whether by negligence or otherwise, when using the facilities and equipment that have been made available to me or participating in classes.
I undertake not to commence any legal action against HTC, its employees or agents for any claims, costs, damages or other liabilities it may have in relation to injuries I suffer, and I acknowledge that this waiver represents a release and discharge of all legal responsibility from HTC, its employees or agents to me.
I have declared any pre-existing or previous injuries or medical conditions that may affect my safety and that may be exacerbated by participation in HTC services. I will declare any future conditions if they occur.
I acknowledge that HTC has the absolute right to refuse participation based on this information. I agree not to participate while intoxicated and/or affected by drugs. If I do so in breach of this agreement, I release HTC, its employees and agents from any and all liability and responsibility, and I agree to indemnify HTC, its employees and agents from any costs or claims resulting from damage to property or injury caused in those circumstances.
I have read and agree to comply with the Rules provided to me by HTC. This includes a right to suspend or cancel my membership if I engage in behaviour which, in the opinion of HTC, constitutes a breach of the Rules.
If I am involved in any activities or events offered by HTC, I understand that I may be photographed or filmed and I consent to the use of these images or recordings for the HTC website, social media, or advertising materials.


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